Abby Vick
North Carolina
Hi, I’m Abby! I’m from a small rural town in southeastern North Carolina. I am a Geriatric Physical Therapist during the week and an outdoor enthusiast on the weekends! I grew up fishing any body of water I could get my hands on and head to the lake any chance I get… You could say largemouth bass have me hooked!
Although the hunting legacy was not passed down through my family, I discovered a love for it after meeting my husband, Garrison. He and his family are members of one of the oldest gun clubs in North Carolina. Watching them harvest and process deer was fun and sparked an interest within me.
I have spent the past 8 years preparing for each deer season, working diligently on our stands and constantly growing and learning with each passing season. I wouldn’t say I have a favorite game season, because I enjoy them all! When it’s not large game or waterfowl season, it’s time to fish. I just recently became an avid bow hunter and filled the freezer with my first deer last year! While I haven't harvested a buck yet, I know that with time and dedication, that dream will be realized!
I am very excited and honored to be a part of such a supportive group that Huntress View provides. My hopes are for others to be inspired to get out and enjoy all Mother Nature has to offer and to keep our outdoor traditions alive for future generations to come!