About Us
Huntress View
Thank you for taking time to stop by our website. Our goal is to grow the number of women hunters, shooters and outdoor enthusiasts. Check back each week for new updates, new blogs and product reviews and events where we will be attending.

The Concept
Huntress View is a place where women hunters, whether they be experienced or beginners, can go to gain insight on hunting and shooting from a woman's point of view. I know women have a different outlook on things than men and hunting is no exception. After introducing some of my friends to hunting they told me they were glad that they learned about it from another woman rather than from a man. With this concept in mind I created Huntress View in October of 2013.
At Huntress View we field test hunting products and give honest feedback, letting other women know what products are working for us. We share our hunting experiences, good and bad, give hunting/shooting tips, and share what we have learned along the way. By doing this we hope to encourage more women to get involved in hunting, shooting, and the outdoors.
-Andrea Rothove, founder/owner

Courtney Wilhelm | North Dakota
Tessa Nyhus | Wisconsin
Team Member
Team Member
Jesse Harding Campbell | Nebraska