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Charcofresh Scent Eliminating Lotion Product Review

Andrea Haas

A good scent control regimen is one of the most important things a hunter can have in order to be successful in the field. Nothing is going to be 100% effective, but there are certainly things that you can do and products that you can use to decrease your odds of being winded by the game that you are pursuing.

This spring the Huntress View team put Charcofresh Scent Eliminating Lotion to the test and had great results so far!

How It Works

Charcofresh contains Activated Charcoal and Aloe Vera, which odors and toxins stick to on a molecular level, making it an excellent scent eliminator and detoxifier that is great for your skin.

How to Use

Apply 2 light layers and rub in thoroughly. Reapply as needed. You can use this on your face, lips, hair, hands, armpits, etc.

The Test

I used Charcofresh throughout the spring turkey season, mostly to help keep me scent free in case I came across any deer while hunting. A couple of times I’ve been winded by deer while turkey hunting and I could picture that ruining a turkey hunt in a heartbeat. That’s why I prefer to still use scent control products for turkey season as well.

There are plenty of other outdoor activities aside from hunting that may not necessarily require scent control, but that doesn’t mean you don’t want it! Hiking, camping, running, and checking trail cameras all work up a sweat. And let’s not forget about fishing! Cleaning fish is a pretty stinky job, so eliminating scent as soon as possible afterwards is ideal.


I didn’t see any deer while I was turkey hunting this spring, so I can’t say yet how well it works in regards to being winded. But I can tell you it worked well to keep me scent free (according to my nose) after the hunts. Turkey hunting often keeps you on your feet and my hunts were no different. One morning I even belly crawled 150 yards to a couple of toms. Needless to say, I always came out of the turkey woods smelling a lot worse than I did when I went in.

Thankfully Charcofresh really did make me feel a lot less stinky for my ride home. I used it on my hands, face, armpits, and bend of my knees to freshen up after my hunts. Another great use I’ve found is using Charcofresh on your feet. My feet tend to get pretty rough and dry, and Charcofresh has worked well to keep them moisturized.

The lotion is very moisturizing, but I don’t feel that it is greasy at all. It goes on nice and smooth and makes my skin feel extremely soft. A little bit goes a long way. It seems to have a very slight odor at first, but that goes away after it dries.

Here’s what a couple other Huntress View team members had to say about Charcofresh:

“Love it! It doesn’t leave a greasy feel and a little goes a long way. I used it in TN on my Ram hunt and was impressed at how well it masks smells.” -Jamie Daley

“I gave it the ultimate test of masking the smell of ‘fishing hands’. It seemed to cover most of the stink!” -Courtney Schnitzler

“I used it after fishing and it seemed to work great! I’ll definitely be using it again!” – Cortnie Been

Charcofresh has definitely earned a spot in my hunting pack for future hunts. We will be testing it while deer hunting this fall, so stay tuned for updated results!

Where to Purchase

You can purchase Charcofresh at, as well as on Amazon, for $15.

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